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About Us

You do not have to waste time or money starting a school from scratch.

About Us
Experience and Expertise

We give you access to our Institute to the World curriculum and materials that have over 25 years of proven success around the world in both small and large churches.

About Us
Customized Solutions

You will get from us the administrative and academic guidance, curriculum, materials, resources, and prayer support you need to successfully open your bible institute.

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How It Works
3 Simple Steps To Start Growing Your Church


With your annual membership to Institute to the World, our team will guide you step by step to implement the curriculum, classes, homework, exams, and everything you need to launch your successful bible institute.


You determine what to charge your students to bring income to your ministry.


Your leaders and church members will grow in God’s Word and His power which will help you build a healthier community church.


With your annual membership to Institute to the World, our team will guide you step by step to implement the curriculum, classes, homework, exams, and everything you need to launch your successful bible institute.


You determine what to charge your students to bring income to your ministry.


Your leaders and church members will grow in God’s Word and His power which will help you build a healthier community church.


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What you will receive :

⏺ Advice and consulting on issues related to Christian education and the vision process.

⏺ Presentations explaining the vision process.

⏺ Videos of each class of the vision process.

⏺ Syllabi

⏺ Midterms

⏺ Final Exams

⏺ Course material for the teacher

⏺ Additional book suggestions.

⏺ Documents in "Word" format that you can modify according to your need.

⏺ Suggestion of homework, reports, and projects for students.

⏺ And much, much more!

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Each module provides biblical education and activation to help your leaders and church grow in Christ

Module 1

Certificate in Christian Fundamentals

Module 2

Certificate in Leadership Formation

Module 3

Certificate in Kingdom Leadership

Module 4

Certificate in Biblical Fundamentals

Module 5

Development in your Gift and Calling

The Institute to the World will make it easy for you to start your bible institute, bring growth to your church, and help increase your finances.

King Jesus Ministry

King Jesus University

Following the successful model of the King Jesus Leadership Institute founded by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, who also founded and leads King Jesus Ministry in Miami and King Jesus University, we have the knowledge, revelation, and experience to invest into pastors who feel called by God to teach, train, and mobilize men and women of all ages for a life of service to our Lord Jesus Christ in their local church, homes, and workplace.

The Institute to the World will make it easy for you to start your bible institute, bring growth to your church, and help increase your finances.

King Jesus Ministry

King Jesus University

Following the successful model of the King Jesus Leadership Institute founded by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado, who also founded and leads King Jesus Ministry in Miami and King Jesus University, we have the knowledge, revelation, and experience to invest into pastors who feel called by God to teach, train, and mobilize men and women of all ages for a life of service to our Lord Jesus Christ in their local church, homes, and workplace.

Faculty & Administration

Teacher John Laffitte, Ph.D.

Do not wait any longer.

Your church needs a bible institute that helps your leaders and members have a deeper knowledge of God’s word and power.


We're here to help

It is the study program developed by Apostle Guillermo Maldonado to train leadership in the fundamentals of the Word and the supernatural power of God.

Course content (digital manuals and/or videos) and documents such as exam examples which you can modify according to your need. We offer modules with teaching material that could last approximately one year each.

Any Pastor who wants to start his own Bible institute in his Church.

Completing the online application with the information of your Ministry and payment information; Then, you will receive your login credentials to enter the Web Portal and access the first two modules.

The annual membership fee for the ITW is $1,000 USD for up to 50 students (additional students are charged at $20 per student per year).

Yes, this is an annual membership. Maintaining your membership current gives you the authorization to use the material of the ITW for a year, and gives you access to the most up-to-date courses and information.

Digital content is for the exclusive use of Members for teaching purposes only, but may not be reproduced without permission. The teaching material may not be shared in any way with any other person or entity. You can purchase the manuals for your students in our Ministry store. When you become an ITW member, you will receive the academic program and a special discount to purchase physical manuals for your students.

Yes, there is advice and consulting on issues related to Christian education and the vision process. You can always send us your questions to instituto@elreyjesus.org; and we will respond to you as soon as possible during office hours in the order in which the request was received. Once you become a member, we’ll share a direct number to maintain communication.


We would love to speak with you.
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